Here are some updated photos with the garden! The first two are from a couple of weeks ago but I forgot to do a blog. I've dug the bricks into the first section if border.
The daffodils have died back on the sunny side now but there are still lots on the shady side. I'm trying to sort out the grass from all the weeds and patches. Some sections are looking better than last year but there are still quite a lot of weeds! I put some weed and feed on and I think the grass looks better but not sure it helped with the weeds too much.
I need to sort out the back section of this border because it has got mud piled up with grass growing in it. I want it to look like the front section below.
We've still got wood, rubble and other stuff piled in a corner from when we redecorated the lounge so next job is to get these taken away or get a skip. Someone's coming to give us a quote today. Then we're going to power hose the the floor and fence and paint the fence. I also need to dig the bricks into the back section of border along the side. I want to get a bench to put in between the two sections.
I need some new solar lights as the £1 ones we got last year aren't working any more. I think we will get the same ones again though because they are cheap and they worked well over the summer.
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