Sunday, 31 May 2015

Painting The Dressing Room

We've painted the small bedroom today, the colour hasn't show on the photos very well but it's a light pinky, purpley grey! It didn't take long to do at all! Nathan has taken the vent off (from when it used to be a kitchen from the upstairs flat), he's going to seal it up a bit then we will put a clock over it!! 

We got a new light and nathan changed the light switch and plug sockets.

We need to put some beading back around the edge of the floor. We've not decided whether to get a new floor. This one is Ok really but it is looking a bit well used.Nathan is planning the storage because this is the dressing room so we're going to put up shelves and rails and have the chest of drawers in there too!

New Things!

We got a new chimenea yesterday and a bench as well! :-)  Were slowly getting there with painting the fence but there's so many sections it takes about an hour per pannel!! 

New Windows

We've had the windows done this week and they look really nice! Here are some before and after photos! 

Before... (We had to stuff the gap with toilet roll!!)




I can't find "befores" for the ones below but here's the back bedroom window and then below is the new window in the lounge! 

Monday, 25 May 2015

More Updates And New Windows This Week!!

I've got a new copper plate to go on the wall above the bed in the front room! I've cleaned it up but it's still got a bit of green appearing so need to try and sort that out. I've also got a foot stool for the front bedroom to go woth the chair! 

He photos aren't very good because it was very dull but I've painted a big, black plastic photo fram with the blue annie sloane paint so it matches our side tables! We just need to sort out some photos for it now! 

We're getting new windows tomorrow and Wednesday in the bedrooms and the lounge!! The front bedroom is the worst at the moment, as you ca on see in the photo below we have stuffed the gap in the frame with tissue! The glass is also misted up. The new ones should make the road quieter and keep the house warmer! They're also making the dressing room window back to its original size so that should be bigger! 

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Fence Painting

We've painted some of the garden fence this week! Nathan's done the majority of it and he's got a nice blister on his finger now! We've still got one side to go! We're going to paint the breeze blocks a dark grey colour because they look messy!

I bought a few plants today but need to decide where to put them in the garden! 

My sweet peas are going well! I've got a cone for them to grow up so hopefully they will look nice I'm the summer! 

Nathan's also out some shelves up in the utility room so it's looking much tidier in there now. We still need to sort out under the stairs though.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Hanging Baskets

We've done a few jobs this weekend and made some hanging baskets. We've got one out the front and one out the back! We've got some new 80p solar ligts from pound stretcher so vue put them in now! Also I got a bird bath this week! It was only £8.50 and I think it looks really nice! It's plastic but it's got pegs to attach it to the grass.

The welly plant pot has got a strawberry plant in from last year! 

Monday, 4 May 2015

More Garden

This weekend we've been power hosing the garden. It looks loads better now, especially now we've had the rubbish moved, here's some photos! I've planted more grass seed in the patches so hopefully that will start growing. I've also dug the bricks into the back side section of border, it's a bit muddy around it though at the moment. I want to get a bench in between the two sections. I sneakily dug up a plant from the back lane and planted it in the garden! We needed some taller plants! 😁



The next jobs are to paint the fence when we get some nicer weather and I'm going to make up some hanging baskets.