We've been very lucky this year and have been given money towards things for the house. We also had. £50 John Lewis voucher still to spend from a house warming present! Here are some of the things we have got for the house...
We got the little bronze bowls from John Lewis in the sale. The tapas dishes we got last year but we're saving them for when we moved.
We got a new set of plates with a silver line round from Morrisons and some new cuttlery! Our old plates were getting chipped and the cuttlery was mine from university so we needed some new ones.
We have also got a new mirror for the lounge and a mantle clock! The mirror is going to go on the wall at some point but is just resting in the fireplace for now.

We got a new door mT from John Lewis in the sale! The old one was minging!
When we took the christmas tree down the lounge was looking very bare so we have also now got "Alfred" the house plant! It was half price in home base and we wanted a big plant for the house. We've got a big silver plant pot that my cherry tree was in so I think it's going to go in that. It's going to be in the lounge but not sure where yet!
The main thing we have bought is a dehumidifier! The house has been high on the humidity detector and has been around 70% most days. We've had the dehumidifier on and it's between 50-65% now! It's taken a good few litres of water out of the air in the few days we have had it and the windows don't have condensation on them anymore.
We still need a few blinds for the lounge (we've still got chipboard up at the windows at night), kitchen and the little front room so I think we will get some with the rest of our christmas money. Sorting out the back bedroom is going to be our next big priority. We need to sort everything out that is in there and then decorate it! Then mum and dad can finally come to stay!
Also one last photo as we've got a little robin now coming to the bird feeder so I thought mum would be pleased!
Thank you all very much!! It's a great help to us getting everything sorted and were getting there slowly!!